Batman was born Bruce Wayne, who was made an orphan during a robbery when he was young.  Bruce goes on to be a successful businessman, while fighting crime on the side in Gotham City.  He doesn’t have superpowers, but doesn’t need them. His fierce intellect and big bank balance funding an array of amazing weaponry and gadgets, from his fearsome batarangs to …bat shark repellent!  

He is supported by his trusty sidekick, Robin (Boy Wonder) and butler Alfred Pennyworth and is a member of The superhero supremo squad, the Justice League. His arch enemies include The Joker and The Riddler. 

Batman himself will stride into your Batman birthday party in his mask and flowing cape, taking charge from the get-go.  Your little bat-fans will learn how to spot a bad guy, and how to take him out, with some bat-certified combat skills. He might even share some of the secrets of his famous bat-gadgets!